
Hi! I just read the first chapter of The black Rabbit and... I love your writing! The scenes are so vivid and suspenseful and yet you find a way for explanations and descriptions to fit in. I feel pretty much wrapped up in this world already :)
          I recently published my own first chapter, and I am trying to bring to life a whole fictional world as well... maybe you could have a look, and I would love to hear your opinion!
          If I had to give you some advice to catch the reader's attention even more, it would be to put more descriptions: what do Allen and Yu look like? And how is the landscape the action takes place in? I really like the way you pictured you sci-fi world by the way, hinting at the whole picture with the explanations about the Wolves, the enchantments or Yu and Allen's mission. I'm looking forward to read the next part ! ;)