
Hey all, so I know I haven't updated at all this holidays and I'm so sorry!! I would except my laptop crashed and I don't want to write something crappy just on my phone. Hopefully when school starts up all be able to get my laptop working again and update as soon as possible. I love you all for reading and don't forget to comment your thoughts and vote xx


Hey all, so I know I haven't updated at all this holidays and I'm so sorry!! I would except my laptop crashed and I don't want to write something crappy just on my phone. Hopefully when school starts up all be able to get my laptop working again and update as soon as possible. I love you all for reading and don't forget to comment your thoughts and vote xx


Jeez sorry everyone, it feels like it's been ages since I updated. School work's just starting to get heavy but I promise I'll try to update as soon as I can. No idea when but I have some great ideas which I can't wait to put into action in TBND. Thank you all for sticking with me and I'd love it if you could send me some feedback for my stories, TBND especially! Tell me what you think and don't forget to vote! x


Thinking of watching Teen Wolf later while I write, just so I can quote all of the lines. I'll definitely be updating The Boy Next Door tonight and I might even finish writing the next chapter after I've updated and post that as well, but don't hold me to that. Thank you everyone for sticking with me through all the slow updates. xx