
@Cute-Demon  it's okay xx


I just finished "alphas last hope" and I have to say I love it. I really do. I wish you would write more. I'd be happy to help if you needed it but eh I mean you did that all on your own so far so I don't think I'll be much hope. ❤️ but you're awesome and I wanna read more ;~; 


Well it makes me happy that you actually want to read my work. I'm in the process (meaning I re-started tonight) of re-writing what I've done (making it longer, changing and adding bits) and I hope to have completed the chapters I've already written and add one or two (maybe more) on in the next few weeks no promises though xx


Yayyy! OMG I didn't think you'd answer I've been like "maybe she doesn't want to write anymore" and I was so sad. ❤️ I'm happy now lol 


 Thank you so much. I'm glad to hear people actually like my work and I am not at school for a while so I'll try to get some stuff written. Thank you again cx