Alrighty a couple announcements my 116 followers.
One I am so happy to see My Brothers Girlfriend growing each and every day, but its also makes me extremely nervous because its embarrassingly bad. I have been replying to some of you saying I am considering a rewrite. I will have to take that up with my editor (yes I have an editor now how nifty).
Second, I am writing another story right now that a little out of my comfort zone but I try my best and will make it good. Im doing research and the whole nine so that is something to look forward to.
And lastly If you dont know this but you do because you follow me (thank you btw)... I have another story out called Carousel. The thing about Carousel is, its the first thing me AND my editor wrote and its good I really do love it and am proud of it. Please PLEASE give it a read if you have not already.
Here is what I have been relying to some of you with.
It would mean the world to me if you can read just the first part, please, of my new story. My editor and I really put our blood and tears and sweat into that and its literally 6 chapters. If you read the prologue and dont like it you can leave. Please!!
#shamelessselfpromotion #pleasedontjudgeme #imjudingme
Gosh I feel like youtuber. #conorfrantarealness