
this message may be offensive
          	--only for Winston and Schmidt tier this time-- its a spicy one! hehehehe
          	Ezra's POV
          	I lay my head against my desk and groan. My back and shoulders were filled with tension and stress from the day I just had. Shit went left. So fucking left and I don't know how. Apparently, Donnie was still an issue. He'd kept running away from his new pack, my cousins.
          	But it seemed he had other plans in motion.
          	They spent hours today trying to find him, and when they did he was a mess. Crying, screaming, literally throwing a fit. It broke my heart to hear that. We didn't end on good terms but the guy was a good guy deep down, he just went through a lot of shit. I can't imagine moving from pack to pack just trying to find a place called home.
          	I called my cousin, Leo, letting him know the state Donnie would be arriving in. Leo being the kind man he is just said he'd take the extra precautions. He and his beta were excited to have him join the pack. I just hoped Donnie wouldn't cause him any more trouble. But its been about a year now, and I don't know when Leo and his patience will run out.
          	On top of the fact, there was shit happening in my friends and family life. We still hadn't heard from Ambrose, none of us had. I tried asking Carter to talk to Turner but apparently they have their own shit they need to work on. It was driving all of us crazy. The only sign I had that he was alive was the occasional text from him saying 'I'm alive'. Those were sent every two to three weeks if I was lucky.
          	One time he went for three months. I nearly lost it. Truceson almost did too. He wanted to barge into that pack and get his best friend. It was crazy because we had to constantly remind Truce that he was a human and that wolves were ruthless, our family just wasn't. Truce laughed at that, and was now under watch by Sean and Sloan.


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this message may be offensive
          --only for Winston and Schmidt tier this time-- its a spicy one! hehehehe
          Ezra's POV
          I lay my head against my desk and groan. My back and shoulders were filled with tension and stress from the day I just had. Shit went left. So fucking left and I don't know how. Apparently, Donnie was still an issue. He'd kept running away from his new pack, my cousins.
          But it seemed he had other plans in motion.
          They spent hours today trying to find him, and when they did he was a mess. Crying, screaming, literally throwing a fit. It broke my heart to hear that. We didn't end on good terms but the guy was a good guy deep down, he just went through a lot of shit. I can't imagine moving from pack to pack just trying to find a place called home.
          I called my cousin, Leo, letting him know the state Donnie would be arriving in. Leo being the kind man he is just said he'd take the extra precautions. He and his beta were excited to have him join the pack. I just hoped Donnie wouldn't cause him any more trouble. But its been about a year now, and I don't know when Leo and his patience will run out.
          On top of the fact, there was shit happening in my friends and family life. We still hadn't heard from Ambrose, none of us had. I tried asking Carter to talk to Turner but apparently they have their own shit they need to work on. It was driving all of us crazy. The only sign I had that he was alive was the occasional text from him saying 'I'm alive'. Those were sent every two to three weeks if I was lucky.
          One time he went for three months. I nearly lost it. Truceson almost did too. He wanted to barge into that pack and get his best friend. It was crazy because we had to constantly remind Truce that he was a human and that wolves were ruthless, our family just wasn't. Truce laughed at that, and was now under watch by Sean and Sloan.


Hey I just have a question what is the time between Sean and Ezra's story?? Like how many years pass and when did finnick and Ezra get together in that time line??


Ahh okay thank u for answering and I love your werewolf series so much! :)


Hey so it’s about 4-5 years now. Ezra is around 28/29 in his book


GUYS, I've been working on the first chapter of Ambrose's Secret...I AM SO EXCITED TO SHARE THIS WITH YOU! HEHEHE!


We’re waiting…not patiently but thanks for sharing your work 