
Yall go check out @Raxis_Writing and their tokyo revengers book! It's what I've been hooked on as it's getting posted!


Hi Author,
          I hope you’re doing well. I manage the The Fiction World YouTube Channel (link below), where I create "what if" scenarios for Deku and MHA, inspired by fanfiction stories I read and analyze. I’d love it if you could check out my channel.
          Would it be okay for me to adapt your work into an audio format for my channel? I’ll give you full credit and include your links in the video and description.
          Thanks for your time! I look forward to hearing from you.
          Channel Link: https://youtube.com/@thefictionworld-deku?si=u__BwxObiUvIHvjU


Any tokyo revengers there is a book I found. It's relatively new so it's not much right now but it seems like it could turn into a good one if you wanna check it out. It's called Always Protected by Raxis_Writing here on wattpad. 


Do you have any tips on writing BDSM I really love the way your writing it in your storys


Thanks for the tips 


@Krazyk46 first off I highly recommend doing your research on it before you attempt to write about it. Next I wrote what I felt comfortable writing about. It's easier to write about what your interested in then writing about something your not. Next I would recommend typing/writing it out as a draft to see if it is something you would want to include with your story. And after that if you feel like it's something you wanna do then include it. That's the easiest way I can explain, sorry if it's lengthy lol 


Thank you for everyone on the reads and follows on our past books. If yall wouldn't mind checking out the 2 latest breaks called Safe Haven and Light of a New Era it would be great! If you did or do please let us know what you think of them!