
Sorry for not updating anything lately! I'm in a play and it's performance week. Rehearsals start right after school and end at 6, and it takes me an hour to go home, I eat dinner, then do my homework, and then I have to go to bed. I'll update right after our last performance, which is on Saturday, or I'll update on Sunday. I'm really sorry!


Sorry for not updating anything lately! I'm in a play and it's performance week. Rehearsals start right after school and end at 6, and it takes me an hour to go home, I eat dinner, then do my homework, and then I have to go to bed. I'll update right after our last performance, which is on Saturday, or I'll update on Sunday. I'm really sorry!


@imjustgonnareadbooks is editing my story guys


The cover is amazing btw! I love it!


And I'm writing a massive chapter