I feel very sorry to say that the next OOTN update might take a lot longer than expected. While I was writing the next chapter, I realised that I didn't really like where the story was going. It might take a long while until I'm able to rewrite and edit it so I am actually satisfied with the results.
I'm really sorry about the fact that it will, in the meantime, remain with no updates, and am very grateful about all the positive feedback OOTN has recieved so far. I just know that if I just continued writing it the way it is now, I would be giving you something I coudn't put all my heart into, and I would never want to do that.
I'm still writing, though, but I'm focusing on other stories, shorter and better, and I hope they turn out to be good and worthwhile stories to read. Having said that, I hope that you can appreciate them too, and I hope I haven't dissapointed too much the lovely people who have been supporting OOTN so far <3