
thanks for visiting us. this account is made of with more than one admins. we appreciate it so much if you find the time to read any of our stories and comment your thoughts.

all in all, please have a fine day and enjoy.
  • malaysia. ha ya betul, bawah thailand atas singapore
  • انضمOctober 16, 2017


قصص بقلم pisang gemuk
petikan. بقلم dark_uni-corn
bahasa melayu itu bahasa kebangsaan
head. بقلم dark_uni-corn
hi so i was high and decided to write some crappy not-so-fluff in which jongin wanted to kiss kyungsoo's head...
mine. بقلم dark_uni-corn
a love letter from a lover to a lover. inspired by tatiana manaois - mine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_O...