
To get back on track I'll need to read my own story so that i come back to what the original storyline was!!!! Don't worry I'll post soon even I feel bad about this whole being inactive thing!!! 


@darkbeneathlight it's okay dear we'll wait for the unhinged and more twisted parts


           Please update her value


this message may be offensive
@darkbeneathlight  and zolton is an ass, it for sure couldn’t have been me, because I would have beat his ass. 


YOUR SUCH A GREAT WRITER I can't wait for you to update her value I really love it idk and inches was another one I'ma bout to read the third book from but omgosh I keep flying through them I hope your doing okay 


@suki_scott yeah gurll donate me some money hahahaaaa no I was just kidding 


@darkbeneathlight no girl no  I wanna give you the money. Lmao


First of all I would like to apologise for being so inactive these days but what can I say life always keeps you up with something isn't it. 
          And thankyou to everyone waiting for my books update. I'm currently working on them , it's slow but don't you worry I'll update them sooner. 
          Its just that it will take time. 
          Hang in there babygurl
           I gotcha 
          Stay happy stay healthy and wealthy 
          See you soon everyone 


Hello guysssss!!!! 
          I just wanted to tell you that I know I'm slow in updates but from the way my life keeps making me sick of something seems like that the updates of all my stories might be late but I'll never leave a book. 
          So i just want to tell you to please coordinate with through out till my life is on a good pace. 
          I love you guys so much for all the support. 


Hi there, I hope you’ll get better, I was wondering if you had an instagram for your books, just so we can make sure that you’re good ?