This account is managed by 2 creatures with strange states of mind. They met on a trip and haven't been apart since.
"We share much more than just similar tastes, our tastes actually don't even match much. We argue, love, cry and rant, just like any usual human. You'd love us, not alone, but together. We may not seem like it, but we love aesthetic stuff and random quotes picked outta nowhere. We shared lemonade and gelato once. It was surreal." -A (not Spencer's Twin)
"We're pretty fcuked up already. So, Life, go ahead and try fcuking us up even more. We can't possibly do a day without each other, but, at the same time, we could stay away for months and still know what the other's up to. We're kinda dark, it's not even funny. We could be phenomenal together, but we playin' hard as it is." -M (definitely, not Spencer's Twin)