You mean so much to me, I love you and I will do it to infinite eternity, O inhabitant of my heart and my madness
انتِ المُحَطة الآولى المَزيجِ المُقدسَ مَن الحِجى الدآهَي و الطِمأنَينه و السَلام انتِ ايمَان و جِنانَي لمَ آؤمِن يومَا بـ شِيءَ سوآكِ لِك يـ مَن تِسڪنين بـ داخَلُي عَلُى حِافهـ ڪل شَيءِ تُم جَريِ لكَ مُجَددا آمَام ڪِل شَيء آريَد حِصد الخِطايِا و آرهَاق جُفون الآلم التِي تَرهقڪ آفِڪر بـ انَهاءُ مِسيرةَ تِنفسي و اعَطائهِا لكَ لِقد اسَتوطنِتي قَلُبي..
I may have missed you one day in my love for you, but I am sure that we will always be for each other and I am absolutely sure that we will stay to the end, my girl and my girlfriends. My misery, you are my love and everything, the most beautiful and the greatest thing that I may have one day..
It rains on the sixth of November, Oh God, make my heart forever. For a long time, keep it in my heart and I in her heart, O God, my love ath in my heart forever