Author-nim! You can’t leave us hanging like that!! What happens with yoongi?? I hope you are taking care of yourself. Do you have plans to finish this book? I love how many pictures you include! Thank you!!
Thank you so much for this sweet message I’ve been incredibly busy with school and other personal things this last year, I’ve been thinking about updating constantly. I know it’s been awhile, I’m planning to update within the next few months cause I’ll have some major down time after a big surgery!! Stay tuned :) hoping I can get a few chapters published during that time.
Awhh thank you so much this means a lot! ❤️ I’ve been so busy with school but I’ve been trying to publish as much as possible. I have a lot of good ideas in my drafts ❤️
Ahh I’m so glad you liked it! I worked on that chapter for quite awhile LOL
Definitely will be publishing a lot more over summer so stay tuned! Tysm again for reading <3
@revyoon omg the way all those clips gave me motivation to write HE IS SO FINE
I’m attending vip in 2 weeks and I’m not ready imma be SLAMMING ON THIS WATTPAD KEYBOARD AFTERWARDS
@revyoon omg thank you so much! I've been slacking a lot bc im a full-time college student but I'm hoping to publish more over break. This summer will be a year since I started writing it. Thank you so much for reading <3