
So, hey guys... It's been 4 months. 
          	The thing about this account is I'm planning on deleting it and starting completely from scratch.
          	To be honest, I'm just not feeling it anymore and a new start with new stories and stuff would probably be a good thing for me. 
          	I might re-upload WYBMS onto that other new account again, but honestly, I kind of doubt it.
          	I'm going to be bluntly honest with you here and just tell you that I loathe that fanfic, I really do. I keep going to finish it, but then I'll find something else to do that I enjoy more than writing it. Tbh when I first started writing it, it was my baby and I loved it and I was proud of it. But I read it back a few months ago and that feeling was gone. And yeah, I guess that hurts a little considering the amount of time and effort I'd originally put into it, but I can't help how I feel. It's just one of the worst fanfics out there, it really is and Idk why people enjoy reading it.
          	But on the other hand, I want to just thank you for your endless support. Yeah, so there isn't loads of you, but that doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is that you've never given up on me and that's such a lovely feeling/thing. You're like my little long lost family I guess, and I hope that you'll support me in this decision. 
          	Thank you for all the fond memories I've got from having a wattpad account. It's truly been my pleasure to share this with you all. I might not be gone forever, I might really consider making that new account if any of you want me to. But for now, I love you and good bye. 
          	Lucy xo


So, hey guys... It's been 4 months. 
          The thing about this account is I'm planning on deleting it and starting completely from scratch.
          To be honest, I'm just not feeling it anymore and a new start with new stories and stuff would probably be a good thing for me. 
          I might re-upload WYBMS onto that other new account again, but honestly, I kind of doubt it.
          I'm going to be bluntly honest with you here and just tell you that I loathe that fanfic, I really do. I keep going to finish it, but then I'll find something else to do that I enjoy more than writing it. Tbh when I first started writing it, it was my baby and I loved it and I was proud of it. But I read it back a few months ago and that feeling was gone. And yeah, I guess that hurts a little considering the amount of time and effort I'd originally put into it, but I can't help how I feel. It's just one of the worst fanfics out there, it really is and Idk why people enjoy reading it.
          But on the other hand, I want to just thank you for your endless support. Yeah, so there isn't loads of you, but that doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is that you've never given up on me and that's such a lovely feeling/thing. You're like my little long lost family I guess, and I hope that you'll support me in this decision. 
          Thank you for all the fond memories I've got from having a wattpad account. It's truly been my pleasure to share this with you all. I might not be gone forever, I might really consider making that new account if any of you want me to. But for now, I love you and good bye. 
          Lucy xo


Hey guys,
          So I was wondering if you could help me promo the fanfic a little, please? The one shots are doing great ad I'm really happy with that but the fanfic... well the read count isn't all that fantastic, I'm ngl. 
          I do really appreciate all of you who are reading it though, it means a lot to me!
          So yeah, a little help promo'ing would be great and I'll dedicate chapters to people etc etc :) 
          So yeah thanks,
          Lucy xo


Ok guys so I'm trying to post the parts as quickly as I can, but the busier I get, the slower they'll be posted. Sorry about that. 
          Even when I go, as in leave wattpad, I'm gunna leave my stories and this account here. So maybe new readers will come along and enjoy what I've done. Or hate it but you know either way. 
          I'm not sure if any of you remember my story "Severed Ties" but I'm considering re uploading it near summer because I'll have nothing to do during the month (unless I get a job, which I'm hoping for). If I re-upload it nearer summer it just means I've got a lot of time to finish it and go over it :) so you know if you'd like that, just lemme know and I'll consider it. 
          Anyway, this was just a quick message cause I gotta get ready for college.
          So toodaloo,
          Lucy xxx


Ok so this is a random idea I had because I feel bad just leaving you with 2 chapters so I'm basically gonna complete the story, ASAP. And just upload all the chapters in one go, I know it sounds like a stupid idea but since I'm only gunna come on here to read fanfic, it seems like the best idea I have. 
          It's not fair of me to just ditch the story like that, especially after some of you have been with me for long, I couldn't do that to you. 
          Idk how I feel about anything anymore. Tbh, I'm a bit of a mess atm I have a lot going on so yeah everything's a bit messed up. 
          Lemme know what you think and if you'd like that and I'll definitely consider it for you. 
          Lucy xxx


@soccergirle987 yey! I know, I just don't feel it fair to let you down. I've done it so many times before and I can't do it again. Even though I'm leaving after I repost everything etc, I will still leave my stories here. Maybe people might find them and find the same enjoyment out of them that you did? I'd love that. 'Cause maybe one day in the distant future, I'll remember about this wattpad and come on it for a little while and see that people have loved my stories while I've been gone (although I doubt it, there is much better on here!). 
            Thank you for your endless support, it has been tremendous and so special to me. 


You don't need to be sorry, it's really nobody's fault :) I'll miss you too. No, no don't think like that! You were always so lovely and kind to me and that meant a lot to me. 
            That's such a beautiful thing to say and god, it means the world. You're going to go on to do amazing things in your life, I know it, don't let anyone tell you otherwise ok? 
            There's still ways to talk to me if you'd like too? If you don't want to then don't worry about it! But I could message you my email or kik? It's your choice though!
            I love you too! 
            Lucy x


Well I guess this is it... I'm leaving, for good. 
          I'm sorry I just don't feel like doing this anymore. I wish I could change my mind but I can't and I won't. I'm just done. The stories are going nowhere, it's pointless trying to keep something going that never really started. And I guess that's the same as me really. I'm sorry if I'm letting anyone down but tbh, I think most you gave up on me a long time ago and I don't blame you. So thank you for sticking around, if you did. I'm grateful for kindness and for standing by everything for so long. 
          So yep, this is it. Thank you for everything, you're all great. Good bye.


Guess who's back, back again...Yep it's me!
          I come sharing good news as WYBMS is officially... BACK! Woop woop! Party time. Ok, let's not push it. 
          If you've read it in the past, and can remember any of it, I doubt it but if you do, you rock... Well, it's changed... Quite a lot. You'll notice that as soon as I post the first chapter in a couple of days I think! :) 
          Thanks for sticking with me all this time, you all deserve a medal!
          Luce x


Well, it's me. I wouldn't even be surprised if you'd all forgotten who I was by now tbh.
          Anyway, I was thinking that maybe I'll start re-uploading Will You Be My Saviour? I mean that is if anybody still wants it?
          I'm having some struggles recently and I remembered that writing took me away from them so why not continue one of the stories? 
          So does anybody want a comeback from WYBMS? Lemme know and I shall re-post. 
          This doesn't mean that Severed Ties will be going back up, not yet at least. I'm going to work on things one at a time. 
          So hi, I guess? I've kind of missed being on here but at the same time I have been sooooo busy. Like I can't even begin to explain how busy I've been. Honestly, time has flown by without me really noticing it. I guess I have now. 
          Halloween was rubbish this year, we had literally no trick or treaters and there was no parties going on. I swear it's the most boring we've had to date. Which is unfortunate, but we're still alive so I guess that's something to be grateful for. 
          Anyway that's enough from me, lemme know what you guys want!
          Lucy xo


@soccergirle987 It's coming back today! :) x