So, hey guys... It's been 4 months.
The thing about this account is I'm planning on deleting it and starting completely from scratch.
To be honest, I'm just not feeling it anymore and a new start with new stories and stuff would probably be a good thing for me.
I might re-upload WYBMS onto that other new account again, but honestly, I kind of doubt it.
I'm going to be bluntly honest with you here and just tell you that I loathe that fanfic, I really do. I keep going to finish it, but then I'll find something else to do that I enjoy more than writing it. Tbh when I first started writing it, it was my baby and I loved it and I was proud of it. But I read it back a few months ago and that feeling was gone. And yeah, I guess that hurts a little considering the amount of time and effort I'd originally put into it, but I can't help how I feel. It's just one of the worst fanfics out there, it really is and Idk why people enjoy reading it.
But on the other hand, I want to just thank you for your endless support. Yeah, so there isn't loads of you, but that doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is that you've never given up on me and that's such a lovely feeling/thing. You're like my little long lost family I guess, and I hope that you'll support me in this decision.
Thank you for all the fond memories I've got from having a wattpad account. It's truly been my pleasure to share this with you all. I might not be gone forever, I might really consider making that new account if any of you want me to. But for now, I love you and good bye.
Lucy xo