Hiii dear❤️✨❤️✨•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`•`
How are you?✨✨
✓ Thought of the day ✨❤️:-
"The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock."~7:25.
It's a place where you are excited to go like anytime because you know there is someone special waiting for you, waiting to eat food with you , to talk to you,to know that did you take care of yourself or not, are you sad or not. Many students who are living in foreign countries to earn there dreams they miss this feeling but they can talk . It's a place where you are happy,sad, emotional,crybaby and become strong. A place where you start a new life with your loved ones. Nobody judges you there you're a free soul ❤️. A place where you can cook, sing,dance,talk, jump and do many things. Most importantly it's a place when you say it you have a warm feeling about it nomatter what happens. If you're sad than maybe your sisi acts like bestie , brother acts like really flirty and gives alot of candies, dad ask what happened, mom she's like cracking jokes( in my situation I love them alot) isn't it beautiful. Sometimes you're sad and stressed you can go and cuddle with your sisi isn't it beautiful. You can also go to your brother and tease him. It's just a feeling you can never have anywhere else. Have a great day ❤️. I hope you liked it ❤️.
✓ Eat your meals on time and drink water and milk too ❤️
✓ Take care of yourself and have some movie or drama time ✨
✓ Having bad days is okay I know you can do it I believe you ❤️
✓ So today we should do..... I guess jogging ✨
Ti amo, bellezza❤️( I love you beautiful ❤️)
sei un angelo✨( you're angel ✨)
Sei fantastico✅( you're gorgeous ✅)
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