Yeah there will be that's the most messed up not edited all over the place chapter, and I've been avoiding it like the plague. I'll try and sort it tomorrow
I posted some of them, but since A03 is an American company and I am not American, their new T&C's make me kinda sketched out with how they want to process my data in America.
I think more of your books got deleted again oof… also it said your profile doesn’t exist a few time when I had to keep going back and forth to see your books oof…
Nope, sorry about that. Few breakdowns caused me to delete my accounts. But luckily I was able to retrieve it after a few days. Some books I deleted which I can't get back others were simply unpublished.
Hi, sorry for bothering you, but I just want to know what happened."Voice of Honey" about Twilight. Yesterday I was reading and today when I went back to the profile the story was gone. I just want to know what happened.