
*it would really be appreciated*


can you guys help me please?! im looking for a story like desperate! i know its about a warrior princess that was enslaved by a type of imortal prince in the near end of the story she goes to the underworld to get the prince ans his brothersfather back, the mission completed but hades stabed her and one of the brothers kiled hades directly after he stabed her! she asked the prince to take her necklace and free her mother! in the enitire end of the story the prince became the king, she came back and they are mates... i do know that description starts with a scene were shes running in the forest away from something/one. the cover i do know is blue with the prince and princess face i also think that the prince has a triangle on him... thats about all i can remember about the book! please if anyone may know about the story or name sugestions..