
          	Hey guys! It's Lea here! I would just like to tell you all that I'm starting over. I won't continue the stories I have published. I have changed quit a lot, I've been figuring out who I am, I'm becoming more outspoken and I feel like with my personal changes, with this brand new me, I should give you guys some brand new stories! My sanders sides fic, I'm not going to lie to you, that is going nowhere. I don't have an end planned out for the thing and I don't want it to be ongoing. So it is now discontinued. I will keep it up if readers would like to reread it, but there will be nothing new with it. I hope you all understand this. Don't worry, there will be a new story coming out, a better story! I love you all and thank you so much for the support! Bye!


Hey Lea, just wanted you to know that we all love and miss you.... and good luck on figuring yourself out, it's a life-long journey that we all have to make, bye.....


@Utterly_Anxious Of course! Anytime! And if you EVER want someone to talk to, I'm always here!




this message may be offensive
@Utterly_Anxious Heya! Thank you so much for the support, life has just been kicking my ass. I'm so sorry for not having any new stories, I will get some out, I promise. I've just been trying hard to get my shit together. I love you so much and thank you for caring! 


          Hey guys! It's Lea here! I would just like to tell you all that I'm starting over. I won't continue the stories I have published. I have changed quit a lot, I've been figuring out who I am, I'm becoming more outspoken and I feel like with my personal changes, with this brand new me, I should give you guys some brand new stories! My sanders sides fic, I'm not going to lie to you, that is going nowhere. I don't have an end planned out for the thing and I don't want it to be ongoing. So it is now discontinued. I will keep it up if readers would like to reread it, but there will be nothing new with it. I hope you all understand this. Don't worry, there will be a new story coming out, a better story! I love you all and thank you so much for the support! Bye!