
bro how long has it been since i posted here lmfao- i’ll try to post soon ig but todays my bday (woohoo!!) so i thought i’d visit the app aft so long -v- 


I have fricKING 163 READS ON MY VILLAIN DEKU THING- WTFFFFF- THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT EVERYONE :) although I feel like the comments are very inactive- it’s fine tho, just know y’all can spam the comments as much as y’all want :>> 


Also I wanted to tell y’all this but i forgot so uh- the reason I take so long to post is bc when I wanna write, I have motivation, and the plot, and I tell myself I can do it. So then I sit myself down, and I start working on the next chapter, then after like 5mins, I lose all my energy to write- like wtffff- I still wanna write, but my body says : NOPE- YOUR ON YOUR OWN MIND, I AINT DOIN THIS SHEET ANYMORE- so then I don’t work on it until the next day. Then, the next day, the same thing happens. To add on to the problems I have, I’m only satisfied with my chapter if it’s more than a 1000 words long- so yea, I keep pushing myself. Not to mention that I mostly do this at 10pm-2/3am, even though  I have to wake up at 5:30 am for school, bc I’m not allowed to use my phone during the day since I have big finals this year- so that’s some of my life problems. That’s all I wanted to tell y’all, goodbye :)


Hi so to the people who read my Wattpad, THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT!!!! I know I only have 6 followers and about 3 are my friends, but having 71 reads it already insane bc that basically means that the description/title is interesting and makes you want to read the Wattpad. So thanks for all the support everyone :,)))))