https://youtu.be/bCgLa25fDHM this is a link to a video which donates all its ad revenue to BLM funds! please watch it all the way through, and don't skip ads. regular streaming rules apply, similar to the ones we use when we stream for comebacks. even if you're not listening to it (i do reccomend listening to it, the art and music in the video is very good) let it play in the background, or plug headphones into the device and don't wear them, so you don't mute the device or the app. https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/ this is a link to petitions, numbers to call, emails to contact, and places to donate. however don't donate your money to chnge.org. it's better to put your money towards bail funds and black-run charities. do research before you donate! please spread this around. it only takes a little bit. and otherwise, PLEASE stay vocal about the BLM movement. i have a lot more reach on my instagram and have been focusing my energy there. please also continue to call people out on their silence, on their bias, and educate them. know the difference between someone blatantly racist and someone who is misinformed. please try to educate the misinformed. the goal is to bring as many people together as possible. but if you see a blatant racist, you know what to do. don't participate in tokenism or performative trends about BLM. share things that can make change. know what makes a difference, and MAKE that impact. LISTEN to black voices. THEY are the ones spearheading this change, and non-black people should stand beside them. don't speak over them. listen. amplify. support. stand up.

@ArwenGray thank you for using the resources! make sure to send them around, and never quiet down. one of my favorite activists said this: you can't be cool and be an activist. you have to be annoying and be repetitive and get in people's faces. to make change, we have to be even more vocal than we have in the past. we have to be annoying. we can't be complacent. get loud, and encourage others to be even louder.