• RegistriertDecember 6, 2014

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dat_niall_doe dat_niall_doe May 12, 2015 01:24AM
Why hello my friends. I haven't been able to update because I haven't had time, I've been working on the same chapter for like 3 weeks and there's only 500ish words . Hopefully I'll update soooooon...
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Geschichten von dat_niall_doe
The Smart And Sensitive Cutie von dat_niall_doe
The Smart And Sensitive Cutie
Niall Horan the Elmwood highschools nerd. Everyone usually ignores him until he meets a girl Avery, and comes...
Just Friends..? (A Larry fanfic) von dat_niall_doe
Just Friends..? (A Larry fanfic)
This is a Larry fanfic! I'm excited to see how it goes!
Nouis von dat_niall_doe
Nouis is my 2nd favorite bromance and I decided to make a romance one! This is my first one so I'm open to su...