Hi, brooo I miss you i know it will look strange if i say you this plz leave saach nad pasta and come with us we will enjoy plz come plz plz @datgurlkira
@YN_LN_ OMG TYSM THE SUPPORY IS AMAZING! I git some of my inspiration from @QwexyStar she had deleted her story tho, I will try updating soon, I just have been having little motivation lately but my fans support keeps me going!<33
@YN_LN_ Yea and they are amazing ...... the most recent one I read from you was the Toman princess (Tokyo revengers). I love that you put every detail in (Even tho I have read a few TR fanfic ...... Buy none of them are like yours). Plz keep writing more amazing stories!! (And I can't wait till the next TR update!)