A quote from my journal: “hopefully the next time he talks to me I won’t just mumble a two word response in a foreign accent”
yes that is what I did and no I am not proud
dont mind me sulking bc the owl house was cut down in its fucking prime
"holy shit a GAY show??? with PRONOUNS ???? LET'S END IT BEFORE IT EVEN STARTS!!!"
(also um hi? I am indeed alive and eventually I do plan to continue heartbreakee it just might be a bit because i'm in a bit of a rut for a number of reasons and I don't want to post anything I'm not proud of - thanks 4 ur patience (my bad))
ladies and gents, the age old dilemma!! Was my crush looking at me because I was doing my creepy staring or because he likes me too ???? WAHOO!!! THIS ISNT CONFUSING AT ALL!!!
sorry everyone carry on
mfw I have to miss school to get tested for covid and then someone crashes into the back of my dads car so I have to wait another day and miss even more school