
Kinda thinking about redoing the 'Pokémon' series, got a lot of cool ideas. But I know people like it just the way it is so I'll just work on the sequel for now :)


          I just started reading Titanic and I have to say...
          It is utterly amazing so far. Your vocabulary is magnificent, and you keeper me hooked.
          I'm not that great at writing myself. So while reading your work and I stumble upon a word I'm like.. Whut in da world does that mean!?
          But seriously you are an amaaazing


Hey guys. 
          I sincerely apologize for not updating my works. I haven't had time to do it, since I'm busy with work and all. Plus, I'm going through a bit of a turnaround in my life, and there's drama with my friend group, and . . . yeah. Kinda crazy.
          I write in an online journal sort-of thing. It's private, but here's an excerpt for you guys. Just a little tid-bit to show you what I feel like right now :
          I'm feeling trapped, really. I can't say or do anything without it backfiring in some way. I feel like I can't truly be myself around my friends because my true self is stupid mixed with silly, and sometimes wittiness. I always have to hold my tongue around them because if I say something stupid or silly or witty it has a great chance of making me look like a fool in the end.
          Whatever happened to "you shouldn't have to hold things back when you're with friends"? 
          - D
          (feel free to message me, post on my board, or whatever about whatever)