Hey guys.
I sincerely apologize for not updating my works. I haven't had time to do it, since I'm busy with work and all. Plus, I'm going through a bit of a turnaround in my life, and there's drama with my friend group, and . . . yeah. Kinda crazy.
I write in an online journal sort-of thing. It's private, but here's an excerpt for you guys. Just a little tid-bit to show you what I feel like right now :
I'm feeling trapped, really. I can't say or do anything without it backfiring in some way. I feel like I can't truly be myself around my friends because my true self is stupid mixed with silly, and sometimes wittiness. I always have to hold my tongue around them because if I say something stupid or silly or witty it has a great chance of making me look like a fool in the end.
Whatever happened to "you shouldn't have to hold things back when you're with friends"?
- D
(feel free to message me, post on my board, or whatever about whatever)