So I decided I will, write up a character called, ravager the faceless. A complete new character. He's different from Eagle. So not right now I'm still working on the story
I like to say that wattpad. Has become like another home for me and other people. Where we can create a positive view vibe and discuss positive view points.
Chapter 16 will be the last part, but you can see my character well nvm. Anyway Dante will return in a much darker and deeper way. Promise you this and ,please send your support to my friend crusadingart The batman!!!!! See you my friends next time
To the people who followed me. Thank you so much, i can't say thank you enough. I hope you all find my story good enough to read and. Please leave honest feedback and comments to.
Due to the fact, I lost my mom in death, i will be taking a break and will come back in one month. But this chapter will get down but right now. I need space to get through this please everyone I will be back thank you and have a great night
Due to. Family I'm taking time from writing for abit. I'm not leaving it but it won't mean I'm stepping down just taking time away 15 will be completed but, not right now and chapter 16 will be longer so see you guy's later