I'm slowly....(SLOWLY) taking the time to revise each chapter and posting This Is For Them back up. Sometimes things won't change and I reserve the right to say fuck it and just repost as is and try to go from there. But I'm going to try and better it in the ways I feel I can before adding more.
I'm slowly....(SLOWLY) taking the time to revise each chapter and posting This Is For Them back up. Sometimes things won't change and I reserve the right to say fuck it and just repost as is and try to go from there. But I'm going to try and better it in the ways I feel I can before adding more.
Awe thank you!!
Ive been messing around with it here and there.. Trying to make it a bit better (make Grayson a bit more..receptive to change.) I have every intention of putting it back up i just dont know when that will be. Life is kinda just getting the front row seat right now.
Lol I changed the cover on my FF again. (Lol I'm so indecisive) but this time it's a keeper. The gladiolus flower (as by google) signifies brotherhood. So I thought it fitting.
I got your message from about an hour ago, but I don’t see it here. I understand. I’m having problems too. It’s one reason I write everything in Word and then copy it over to WP later.
If it's been posting and tell me it hasn't that's kinda embarrassing lol...I've been hitting message like over and over again in my frustration....thanks for letting me know I was getting desperate lol