
so a little update on what is going on in my life, my wife and I are separating and I am moving back to my hometown to live with my grandma and my dad, at first it hit hard when my ex said she wanted me gone but we have talked and conclude that we are better off as friends in the future, due to all of this I am going to take a small break with writing until I get my bearings 
          	thanks to those who have read my story so far.


@GrayLivingstone I appreciate that thank you 


Positive vibes being sent your way :)


so a little update on what is going on in my life, my wife and I are separating and I am moving back to my hometown to live with my grandma and my dad, at first it hit hard when my ex said she wanted me gone but we have talked and conclude that we are better off as friends in the future, due to all of this I am going to take a small break with writing until I get my bearings 
          thanks to those who have read my story so far.


@GrayLivingstone I appreciate that thank you 


Positive vibes being sent your way :)


Hello thank you for the follow. I hope you enjoy my stories. I will give yours a wee read too. I had a wee read through your profile. My brother lives with his wife in Sydney. They are coming home for December with my niece and nephew. So excited, my wife and I have loads of kids things planned! Anyway, now I have shared that. I will I leave you be. Thanks again for the follow. 


my wife and I have tested positive for covid and it bloody sucks.
          I am working on some more chapters but it may take some time I have also thought of a new story but wont put it out until I have at least 10+ chapters.
          I hope everyone stays safe and well