
@_AkiOfficial  Hey! I read your story, and I think you set up the premise well, but I was a little confused during some parts.  Maybe you could find some way of clarifying your timeline and events slightly, and I'd love a little more on your character Neil and his motives.
          I'd also appreciate any feedback you could give on my stories! Thank you!


Hey dawnlight23~~First of all welcome to Wattpad (hours only!) I hope you find this site as wild and wonderful as I have these past years. I can see from a brief look at your writing that you have the necessary talent and facility with the language to get a lot of reads and votes.
          A couple of suggestions:
          1. Work on your cover designs--use ipiccy.com for your title fonts--more contrast of color and use the 3D lettering and other tricks.
          2. Get your stories into the Clubs function of WP  (see above menu COMMUNITY--Share Your Story--Genres.  Learn how to post your work in these various genre 
           pages each week. You get a lot of discoveries that way.
          3. "Sex-up" your stories when the plot and characters lend themselves to this. Don't forget 80 some % of your readers are females 14-40 looking for some escape and stimulation. They read privately and seek out things we all do and imagine privately . . . yeah.  I'm sending a short story of mine as an example of what I'm suggesting of this element. Enjoy and feel free to message me anytime.


            Hi, thanks so much for taking the time and trouble to give me feedback! It's much appreciated, and I can't wait to explore Wattpad more and keep improving myself!
            Yeah, I know my cover designs need a little work, and hopefully I'll be able to get those up to a higher caliber soon...thanks for the tips! I did explore the community aspect a bit and have advertised myself in one of the SYS categories, so we'll see what happens! And finally, I appreciate the advise, but my writing and beliefs don't lend themselves super well to that particular genre, so for the most part, readers can go elsewhere for more stimulation. 
            Again, thanks for your kindness!


Hello, I was wondering if you would like to check out my works. Thank you so much. 


@Adalia2  Hey thanks so much for reaching out! I read your short work and some of your poetry and I really think it has a lot of creative potential! Unfortunately werewolf romance isn't so much one of my interests, but I encourage you to keep writing and going! If there's anything I could say it's that maybe the ending was a little bit abrupt, so maybe you could flesh it out more? Also, maybe you could give Daniel's character more of an arc/definite purpose. (Feel free to take all of this with a grain of salt though)
            Also, I'd appreciate it if you'd be willing to check out anything I've written :)