
this message may be offensive
Hi, all!
          	Woah, it’s been forever, I do miss everyone in here a lot ... Jumping back into this account after so long feels like cracking open a time capsule. I hope this not-so long message finds you well, please read it carefully ^^
          	Sorry for disappearing and coming back 3 years later on a random Tuesday, just like your modern ex-situationship. Lollll. Anyways, even though I feel like a bad guy hereㅡ a coward that hides behind what’s unfinished. But I finally have a courage to get my shit together! 
          	I’ve recieved a bunch of messages here and there, bahkan sampai ke akun personal aku perihal works on-going milikku; actually, it kinda frightened me up, and made my anxiety kicks in too many level. Hence, I’m here to make it clear that I decided to discontinue all of my on-going fics here due to personal reasons. So much happened in the past years that I can’t share to y’all, but I really, really appreciate the enthusiasm. Thank you so so much for the countless love and support y’all have given to me. Aku harap kalian bisa mengerti yaaa :)
          	Also, hey! This month marks 8 years since I made this account <3 What a journey ... this app holds so much memory for me. Please know that I cherish every single one of you here. Thank you for being part of my youth! Setelah beberapa pertimbangan, aku juga mau ngumumin kalau I’m officially closing this account! I know this might be disappointing to some of you but it’s a decision that I have considered over and over again for years and I have decided that it’s probably for the best. Thank you udah jadi temen aku disini 
          	Every stories will remain here and is still available to read!  Semoga beberapa ceritaku yang masih tersisa bisa menghibur kalian didalam kondisi apapun ya!
          	Dan aku mau coba aktif di instagram lagi (@daynparis), kalau ada yang mau ngobrol, temenan atau tanya-tanya bisa reach out aku di sana aja ya  Soalnya I will no longer use this app again </3
          	Much love,


@dayinparis aaaa aku baru baca, thank you udah buat cerita nya bikin aku re-read lagi keinget terus. Jga kesehatan ya


*READING WITH MY TEARY EYESSS, big hugg gitaaaaa<3


@dayinparis aaaaa kakak aku suka banget cerita kamu, and i am so happy to find ur account back then :") thankyou for making me happy with ur stories. i maybe will be lil sad with this news but i will be happy for u, because this makes u happy! i hope u always find happiness in everything. have a good life kaa <3


this message may be offensive
Hi, all!
          Woah, it’s been forever, I do miss everyone in here a lot ... Jumping back into this account after so long feels like cracking open a time capsule. I hope this not-so long message finds you well, please read it carefully ^^
          Sorry for disappearing and coming back 3 years later on a random Tuesday, just like your modern ex-situationship. Lollll. Anyways, even though I feel like a bad guy hereㅡ a coward that hides behind what’s unfinished. But I finally have a courage to get my shit together! 
          I’ve recieved a bunch of messages here and there, bahkan sampai ke akun personal aku perihal works on-going milikku; actually, it kinda frightened me up, and made my anxiety kicks in too many level. Hence, I’m here to make it clear that I decided to discontinue all of my on-going fics here due to personal reasons. So much happened in the past years that I can’t share to y’all, but I really, really appreciate the enthusiasm. Thank you so so much for the countless love and support y’all have given to me. Aku harap kalian bisa mengerti yaaa :)
          Also, hey! This month marks 8 years since I made this account <3 What a journey ... this app holds so much memory for me. Please know that I cherish every single one of you here. Thank you for being part of my youth! Setelah beberapa pertimbangan, aku juga mau ngumumin kalau I’m officially closing this account! I know this might be disappointing to some of you but it’s a decision that I have considered over and over again for years and I have decided that it’s probably for the best. Thank you udah jadi temen aku disini 
          Every stories will remain here and is still available to read!  Semoga beberapa ceritaku yang masih tersisa bisa menghibur kalian didalam kondisi apapun ya!
          Dan aku mau coba aktif di instagram lagi (@daynparis), kalau ada yang mau ngobrol, temenan atau tanya-tanya bisa reach out aku di sana aja ya  Soalnya I will no longer use this app again </3
          Much love,


@dayinparis aaaa aku baru baca, thank you udah buat cerita nya bikin aku re-read lagi keinget terus. Jga kesehatan ya


*READING WITH MY TEARY EYESSS, big hugg gitaaaaa<3


@dayinparis aaaaa kakak aku suka banget cerita kamu, and i am so happy to find ur account back then :") thankyou for making me happy with ur stories. i maybe will be lil sad with this news but i will be happy for u, because this makes u happy! i hope u always find happiness in everything. have a good life kaa <3


halo! percaya ga percaya aku kayanya baca traffic dari jhs (menuju shs) sampai sekarang sudah lulus dari shs LMAO. ceritanya masih sama, masih seru, tetep ringan buat dibaca walaupun aku udah baca berkali-kali!! 
          terima kasih ya udah nulis traffic dengan sangat amat bagusnya. aku berdoa semoga kamu sehat selalu biar bisa nulis cerita-cerita yang bagus lagi hehehehe, semangat ya xx


G'night kak, apa kabar ni kak? Dulu aku inget, aku nunggu story traffic sampe ke overdrive. Kalo ga salah ada playlist nya haha tapi aku lupa yang mana huhu. Kakak kemana ya, I miss u kak. Selama beberapa bulan ini dari 2022 sampe 2023 aku udh jarang buka WP. Ditambah sekarang ada uprak. Kadang aku klo bosen baca cerita traffic lagi hihi. Itu aja si, dadah kak. Semoga kakaknya balik ya Pau Pau - D


@ jnoburn  o iya, besok aku ultah loo. Tanggal 25, kakak tak mau balik kah?♥️