
Hello everyone!
          	I'm soo soo sorry I've been absent for so long, I'm really bad at posting updates I know :( 
          	I am currently typing up the next chapter of The Detective, so it won't be long until that is released I promise you.
          	I'm also here to let you guys know that I've started a new story too. I wouldn't usually write one about this but it was requested of me, and so I am going to be writing a Pokémon fanfiction. Now I will assume that most of you aren't into stuff like that, but if you are I'd really appreciate if you could give it a try! It's called 'truth aNd ideals' - there's only one chapter so far but hopefully I can make some time to get more out for you. 
          	Once again I'm sorry I haven't updated anything for months, I'm going to try and change that..
          	Thank you for reading this, and I hope you enjoy what I soon release x 


I just wanted to say how impressed I am and how thoroughly I've enjoyed reading In the Shadow of Steel. I sincerely hope you keep posting updates, I'm in love with your telling of the story! I'm a HUGE fallout fan and love how much depth you've given the characters! Thank you,  thank you! Keep up the great story telling! 


Just want to say thank you so much for your kind words on my fic! Your little commentary had me in freaking fits 


Omg you’re so welcome!! Honestly as you can probably tell from my votes today I literally couldn’t stop reading it!! My mum kept asking me what I was reading and I was like....nothing.. but constantly had smiles on my face. I’m about to read 23 rn and I’m so excited. Can’t believe you had the update ready ❤️


Hi! I wanted to ask if The Detective is finished, it looks like it is but I'm not sure... and I wanted to check it out if it was complete... Thanks!


Hi! Sorry, there’s actually 1 chapter left to come! I will post it eventually I’ve just been writing so many other different things at once  


Hello everyone!
          I'm soo soo sorry I've been absent for so long, I'm really bad at posting updates I know :( 
          I am currently typing up the next chapter of The Detective, so it won't be long until that is released I promise you.
          I'm also here to let you guys know that I've started a new story too. I wouldn't usually write one about this but it was requested of me, and so I am going to be writing a Pokémon fanfiction. Now I will assume that most of you aren't into stuff like that, but if you are I'd really appreciate if you could give it a try! It's called 'truth aNd ideals' - there's only one chapter so far but hopefully I can make some time to get more out for you. 
          Once again I'm sorry I haven't updated anything for months, I'm going to try and change that..
          Thank you for reading this, and I hope you enjoy what I soon release x 


Hi all, just to let you know I've changed my username as of today to 'daylily_' (I was Beliebin1D but I felt like it was time for a change)
          Please keep reading my books and voting/commenting on them - I love hearing your feedback!
          I'll try to update as much as I can :) x


I've never had writers block as bad as this, I'm sorry I haven't been updating  if people could message me any cool ideas they have for any of my story, could you message me and maybe I'll even use the idea in the real thing! x