
i’m trying to find this one draco fic i fell in love with and i can’t find it 


I know I said chapter one would be out a while ago and i’m truly sorry that I have not lived up to that.  I just really want it to be perfect for both myself and you guys.  HOWEVER, I have finished the rough draft FINALLY and I cross my heart it will be up, at the latest, tomorrow morning.


I know I said that I would have chapter 1 of “Perilous” up on here by yesterday, but there’s just been a lot of stuff going on with school being over this Friday (finals, etc.).  Iwill do my best to try and at least get up a draft of chapter 1 today.  I also have been doing research to try and and get the facts right for this book.  P.S.  I have probably watched “Captain America: The First Avenger” and Captain America: The Winter Soldier”, dozens of times over the past few days ;).


@sebastiannstann :))) lucky bitch. take your time, and good luck with finals!! ill be waiting with bated breath for your update