My status right now:
I write in scifi, erotica and romantic comedy genres and being a David Tennant and BBC fangirl, often the characters I run with are Scottish, British and American, although I have tried my hand at Indian and Goan fiction as I am born and bred in Goa. So if any of the above mentioned genres interest you or you love yourself some genetic engineering mixed in with accents, time travel, romance and fish n chips, do hit me up on this email to receive copies to read and review any of my books:
Since I currently have 0 reviews to add to my goodreads and amazon profile and desperatly need them for publicity and promotions for my books, I'd be ever greatful if y'all headed on o'er to the goodreads and amazon sites and posted ur reviews there after reading my books on here or elsewhere. In return, I cud dm y'all tips on self publishing cuz that's all I hv on offer anyway. Thanx for everythin, my dear readers an' for ur everlasting support due to which I am where I am.