My aunt and young cousins have been kicked off of a delta flight in Atlanta over an hour ago without reason. My aunt had asked to switch seats with others so she could be seated with her 5 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER and no one would do so. A hostess asked them to follow her and next thing they know, the plane door is being shut. They're now in Atlanta without anywhere to stay and are unfamiliar with the area and have to wait until tomorrow to catch a new flight. My ten year old cousin called my uncle sobbing uncontrollably. Not only were they kicked off without reason, but my aunt is also a foreign service officer who serves the US overseas.
What I want to know is why Delta would kick two young children and their mother off a flight without a reason.
Please help me spread the word through twitter and instagram my oreos. I'm in need of your help, and once this is spread and all, I swear on my life I will update TBND and The Vampire's Mate.
Insta: @dd5353
Twitter: @dd5353wattpad