
@justMEEEbby Im very excited to read your story! your poems are brilliant so i can imagine how great your actual book will be!
          	It would be great if you could check out my book Discovering Deamea.. its a fantasy about a girl and a boy that get trapped in another world when they open an ancient looking book. the only way they can get out is if they kill the queen.. 
          	but im not adding the next chapter till i get 1000 reads =] but im nearly there =] so please check it out and comment, vote, become a fan but only if you like it! thanks!!
          	<3 dani


Hey there~!
          Still remember me? xDD
          If you're interested in teenage war-loving Olympic fencers, ultra-accounting anti-fashion supermodels, placid Shaolin kung-fu masters, violent, loud-mouthed, freakishly strong tough girls,who strangle people for random reasons, and unnaturally politically inclined kids of socially and/or financially powerful peeps at an elite boarding school where administration are retards,and of course, the zombies and African mythology and spiritual folklore, all rolled into one, I think it'd be cool if you checked out my latest upload "Pride, Prestige, and The Undead"


@justMEEEbby Im very excited to read your story! your poems are brilliant so i can imagine how great your actual book will be!
          It would be great if you could check out my book Discovering Deamea.. its a fantasy about a girl and a boy that get trapped in another world when they open an ancient looking book. the only way they can get out is if they kill the queen.. 
          but im not adding the next chapter till i get 1000 reads =] but im nearly there =] so please check it out and comment, vote, become a fan but only if you like it! thanks!!
          <3 dani


          you guy's might know me from the poems I write!
          but guess what?!
          I have my FIRST storyyyyyy!
          it's called;; Sing Me A Song 
          and I have the Prologue  and chapter one up so far,
          there kinda short but whatever(:
          OHHH and you prob. wont believe me but IT'S A TRUE STORY!
          proof? look at my profiles back ground! 
          it's the guy (Nick kuhn) and me and Alex's Klumb and Mark Marcello
          ^ (all character's in my story)
          it's about a girl who's on a cruise and dosent want to get attached to anyone because she know's she cant risk falling for anyone and never seeing them again. She's determined not to. But you never know...
          sorry no vampire stories(:
          thanks in advance!
          <3 Carrie
          P.s. I'll return the favor JUST ASKK!(: 


Hey there! 
          I'm new to Watt  pad, and I was wondering if y o u could read one of my sto ri es and comment on it! (voti ng , f anning, and whatever ar e a ll o ptional, its the revi ews I nee d!) I'd love to retu rn the fav or, and I will! 
          I know this mig  ht annoy you, but anything i s greatly appreciated! Thanks  f o r reading this! 
          My Stories--Gol  den Dawn; Karis Gebelin was j u st your typical Hawaii tra ns pl ant to Manhattan, obsess ive to p student who actually  pro cras tinates everything, and b ound of Ivy; future care erist and c urrent fortune tel ler. U ntil-- that is--she fin ds out everyth ing she aced is  more o r less a ben trevato-- so good bye model student and strivin g socialit e--and hell o demons layer/alche mist and automatic industry ty coon--t hat is, if she survives. 
          Elven Mob Bosse  s and Rebel Heirs--Welcome t o a world where elves,well, a re n 't your fairy tale elves.  Ru le d in a ochlocracy, of O liga rch s and tech savvy mega­corpo rati ons, of underworld crimin al ru le, resistance in  this m obocra cy is futile wh en your King ca n be your dish washer i n one da y. Intergala ctic best seller an d future O ligarch, K ronos fød t av Mø rke’skala soon finds out ho w his fickl e world migh t cha nge--with his help too.


          Thanks for checking out the haunted house.. I plan on going more into that but, it would be awesome if you could check out "discovering deamea" too..  if you could become a fan, vote, and comment it would be awesome.. =] and i LOVE your book! Keep it coming.. I'm addicted to it haha =]