
I'm sorry I've been away guys. I just needed to get better.


Hey, I just wanted to say hi and I love the stuff you write. I used to follow you at Mibba, so I was so happy to find you at Wattpad. You inspired me to start writing Taking Back Sunday fanfiction. Keep up the good work! :)


@unlikestorm Omg thank you so much! I'm glad I have a fellow Mibbian still reading my work! I'm gonna go stalk your profile on here now ::cute:


I'm having a bad day and I dont want to call my keyworker and seem pathetic and I don't want to drag my family into this for the billionth time. I just cant stop crying 


@debiraedemott I can't explain what's wrong. Im just really sad and cant stop crying


@TheColorAbi whas ta wrong girl talk to me


So after a small mental breakdown yesterday, I am home safe and well. I now have a team of mental health workers that are not only montering my medication but also doing daily visits to my home and are going to help me to learn how to cope with my mental health issues. Only taken ten years and three overdoses for sometime to finally reach out and save me from drowning.
          Please understand that this is why my updates have been slack but, I'm working on updating Understanding In A Car Crash and Dog Problems. It just takes a hell of a lot of time for me.