
"In this world there is good and evil. I'm not in the good like I use too. But I will change for my lover. I'll change and be the best person I can be. I will stay by their side, love them gently, and hold them. I would never leave after any argument we may had, because I would just break if he was to walk out that door. The only way I'll be walking out that door is with him in my arms and us taking a trip around the world." Zayn said looking up at the sky. "Anywho how would you love your lover?"


          	  "I know. I just wish ya know life was easier. And love was something you understand." He said gently. "But you're right loser. I should tell him later.... because I need to give him time... but I'm scared to give him time...." 


@little_devil_dante "the date went okay....? Maybe I came on to strong but I did by him a few drinks so maybe it did go well. Like how does one deal with emotions when you only held anger before one cussed you out. Because damn he was the first." He said gently 


"In this world there is good and evil. I'm not in the good like I use too. But I will change for my lover. I'll change and be the best person I can be. I will stay by their side, love them gently, and hold them. I would never leave after any argument we may had, because I would just break if he was to walk out that door. The only way I'll be walking out that door is with him in my arms and us taking a trip around the world." Zayn said looking up at the sky. "Anywho how would you love your lover?"


            "I know. I just wish ya know life was easier. And love was something you understand." He said gently. "But you're right loser. I should tell him later.... because I need to give him time... but I'm scared to give him time...." 


@little_devil_dante "the date went okay....? Maybe I came on to strong but I did by him a few drinks so maybe it did go well. Like how does one deal with emotions when you only held anger before one cussed you out. Because damn he was the first." He said gently 


The male laid his head against Zayn's shoulder and he closed his eyes  "my head hurts so much, I just need a little rest... Sorry if this is awkward" 


            He smirked. "Oh I will~"


            Ali smirked at the other. "fine fine, we will see about that~you'll have to beat me!" (back to pm?) 


            He smiled and nods. "Sounds cool to me. But if I beat you on any game .... you owe me a kiss~" he teased 


The male looked around awkwardly and he tilted his head. "uh.. Is" he looked at his hand where he wrote a name down, it has smudged  "zaymmmf" he mumbled. "whoops" 


            (Sure if you want~ be busy~ about to eat)


@deadly_cutie //okay lololololololol want me to pm you a reply? //


this message may be offensive
            ((Nah dude he's good~ zayn doesn't fuck on he first date or the second he likes to tease the male~$