` ( i DON'T WANT THIS TO BE GOODBYE. ) bruce wants to come down here earlier to the bus station, before the joker will, but it doesn't entirely go as plan, although it's mostly because he struggled to even make a decision to come down here, however he needs to see him. He is not even sure what he's going to say to him. how he's going to repair the damage. how he's going to deal with how the joker's words had such an affect on him, and even now. Bruce's fingers bleeds into his skin. he's not suited up. he's just the playboy who's waiting to meet up with a madman. he's not prepared for the damage they've both caused. the guilt. the hate, and love. It's somehow all intermingled in the joker's presence. he threads his fingers through his hair frustratingly, as he eyes the joker, before stepping up towards him. bruce tugs at the black turtle neck sweater at the top, as he extends an arm over to only grasp his hand between his softly right after. before looking up at the joker. " don't go, joker! " he sighs, squeezing his hand firmly. " I don't want you to." bruce shuts his eyes while saying this to him. " I do. . . . love you, but this is hard for me, joker! this is difficult for me. "

jack held out the photo to him, and perhaps one of the first thing that was apparent about her was that the joker looked a lot like her; they had almost the same facial structure, they had the same nose and same lips. it was almost like they were related ( and they were, though jack wasn't going to tell him that right away ). jack let out a shrill laugh at what he said then and pocketed the photo, " but anyhow, now that i'm not goin', i don't have to worry about that anymore! and you're right. ahh, but the one between us is such a sweet tragedy, isn't it? " the joker hummed and reached up to peck the other's jaw, a satisfied smile spreading across his lips while he looked up at him, " i suppose so. do tell me whether this is too much for ya, but i just wanna cuddle with you so badly — what'd ya say we do it back at my place? " // ; yeah, this is true!! i can't argue with that... like, you can just tell that this man meant every single thing that he said, and it was just * puppy dog eye emojis * you know? but yesss, of course!! and aww... i'm sorry, babe. i hope the fluff that i included here at the end makes up for that jsjsj but you're welcome!! everything you write is amazing, tbh

@waynetatics // ; typos * closer ** your reply if it wasn't clear to the joker before that bruce was going through some serious inner turmoil, it was now. just the way that he was composing himself right now had 'distress' written all over it. jack longed to somehow reach into his heart and take it all for him; so that way, bruce could actually relax, and the joker wouldn't have to experience the complex emotion that is / worry / . all of this stress couldn't be good for the dark knight. he started to wonder how he'd been sleeping lately, how frequently he'd eat, and whether if he were to put his hand right over his heart... if he would be greeted with a steady beat or an accelerated one. before long, the joker couldn't help himself from carefully pressing his hand slightly to the left of bruce's chest, where his heart should've been. he remembered something about how your heartbeat would spike when you lie; so, he kept it there until after bruce told him he didn't need to be doing this. the joker could feel a shiver run up his spine but one of the ' good ' kind when the bat's thumb ran over his hand. with a quick clearing of his throat, he looked down at his train ticket. " anyways, besides the more obvious reasons as to why i'd be glad to see ya here, i'm also glad 'cause i was nervous to go! god's... that's SUPER weird to hear, ain't it? i would blame it on all the funky love hormones surging through me right now, but i don't know. seein' a picture of someone and actually goin' to see them are kinda two different thing's — aren't they? but putting that aside, this is who i'm talkin' about! and let me tell ya... looking for her was like tryin' to find a needle in a haystack, " he rambled, desperately trying to move on from talking about his feeling's anymore. but he couldn't really escape them; the joker struggling to find the polaroid photo in his jacket for a moment before he finally found it.

` a smile makes it's way on his lips from hearing the joker's words. " tragic is kind of just us, joker! " he smiles warmly at the joker. he willingly allow the madman to pull him down closer to him. masculine arms pulling him closer. " joker . . . it's complicated, but do isn't that enough? " / nah, it's true though he's pouring his heart out to him right now! awww really? but yes! I got a little misty eye reading yours too. thank you so much.