
is 60 pages too long for a chapter? It’s for a criminal minds fanfic— I’m trying to do one chapter per episode but idkkk, would that deter readers or make it easier to follow?


good comfort show suggestions to fall asleep to??


@cyran_debergerac ahhh I’m always watching stuff from when I was younger to fall asleep, especially horrid Henry


@deadstarks honestly a lot of stuff I watched when I was younger, H2O or something, recently I have been putting on Powerpuff girls to go to sleep


Fellow fanfic writers, do you watch the scene of the episode you are inserting into your work or do you use some kind of script? because I believe my method is far too time consuming


i usually copy and paste the script if available and then go back and watch the scene. i find it helps with minuscule details like actors’ facial expressions, movements, scenery, etc


@deadstarks it depends! I prefer to watch the show/movie scenes when possible because it pulls me into the moment. 
            But, with everything being on so many streaming services, I use scripts as backup if I don’t feel like logging in — or if I want to make sure the lore is super accurate 


barely on here anymore but just dropping by to say i appreciate you, love you lots & miss you <3 


@deadstarks got it :) messaged youuu 


@wylans I thought I replied to this!! my insta is _rimshaaa.x


@deadstarks sir yes sir, gimme the insta dahling :)


struggling with my mental health quite a bit lately and while I can’t seem to shake the anxiety and embarrassment around reaching out for help, I need it. would love to know how people cope when they’re going through a rough period, like some tips of what makes you feel better? would appreciate any advice more than you know <3 


@KaylaSongsky @ninas-web I apologise for the late replies but I just wanted to say I appreciate that you took the time to do this for me so much, truly it was so kind and meant a lot. I was in a really dark place and still kind of am aha but I’m a bit more hopeful I can improve because of ur kind efforts. <3 thank you so much again guys


@deadstarks sometimes if i'm going through a rough patch and i don't particularly wanna follow the usual advice of telling other people and ranting (though those are always good and on the table) i like to just absolutely clear my mind for a bit. drop all my worries n do something to chill. have a cosy day in bed. blast music and go for a little walk or treat myself to a either a solo cafe visit/shopping trip/movie watch/whatever tf you wanna do, as long as it's something you'll actually enjoy, no rush. take a little nap, and then if there's any work or whatever you have to get back to, just take it in small baby steps to not overwhelm yourself. you've got this and i hope you kick that rough period in the face ♡♡♡


@ deadstarks  I'm Sorry to hear you are struggling :( . But it once helped me when I filmed myself talking about all my struggles and problems. Afterwards it felt better having talked about everything without actually telling anyone. I also watched the Video a while later and some of my fears and struggles back then, suddenly sounded silly to me. Hope you'll feel better <3