
Hey guys! 
          	I go back to school tomorrow.... ew
          	ANYWHO I have been busy writing these holidays and had done heaps of work on a new fanfic called 'Fighting fire with fire' its Zuko x OC and I'm very excited about it. hehehe YESSSS ik I haven't forgotten about TWWB I will try get the next book up and going soon! 
          	In the mean time I hope y'all check out my new fanfic it comes out in 15 minutes WOOHOO! I have scheduled to post new parts every Monday so at least u ppl have one good think to look forward to on Mondays. thats all for now and even though I have said Monday too many times already... happy Monday!


Hey guys! 
          I go back to school tomorrow.... ew
          ANYWHO I have been busy writing these holidays and had done heaps of work on a new fanfic called 'Fighting fire with fire' its Zuko x OC and I'm very excited about it. hehehe YESSSS ik I haven't forgotten about TWWB I will try get the next book up and going soon! 
          In the mean time I hope y'all check out my new fanfic it comes out in 15 minutes WOOHOO! I have scheduled to post new parts every Monday so at least u ppl have one good think to look forward to on Mondays. thats all for now and even though I have said Monday too many times already... happy Monday!


Hey Guys!! 
          Sorry I have been super MIA lately! School has been hectic and I have barely had any time to write! I'm going to try and get more organised and schedule releases so I don't forget and u guys don't get left hanging!
          Thanks again to everyone who has read my fanfics it means a lot that u guys enjoy my work! Also side note if u are enjoying my fanfics and want more of this alternative storyline of AOT, DEFINITELY go check out 'Patience' and 'Trust' by @signed_poppy coz you will love them! Thanks again for all the support, hope u enjoy the upcoming chapters! Happy Saturday!


We did it! TWWB FINALLY got to 1K reads!!! 
          Thank you guys so much for all the support I am so happy it finally got there but it couldn't have happened without all of you readers!! Don't forget to checkout the next novel and tell your friends! 
          Happy Tuesday :)




Hey Guys!
          Sorry I have been a bit inconsistent with posting lately, I'll try to be more on top of that! I hope you are all enjoying the fanfic so far, I know for sure that I have enjoyed writing it! I have finished writing TWWB and have started writing the sequel (I KNOW..YAY!) 
          Anywho as I was saying, I have been quite inconsistent with my posts so I am going to aim to try and post a new part every Tuesday! I have written some chapters a head so I'll try stick to that for as long as I can.
          That's all for now, once again thanks to each and everyone of you for reading my story I REALLY appreciate all the support it means a LOT to me :) Happy Monday, I'll be posting the next chapter of TWWB tomorrow, Chapter 28 - Too much, Too soon.
          (P.S a really cute Zariya x Armin moment is coming up in this chapter + one of my favourite quotes from this fanfic :) )


Hey guys!
          Yes, Ik I have been SUPER inactive lately I'm sorry!! I haven't had much time to work on my story recently due to exams coming up, never ending horework and school holiday! I have some chapters  that I have written in advance so I'll try get them out during this time but after my exams are over I am looking forward to getting back into TWWB. 
          I am so excited this first book is almost at the end and can't wait to start writing the next, yes there is going to be a second and a third AND a forth if all goes to plan. If y'all want some more dets on that I might be able to release the title BUT that can only happen if you guys tell me! Once again thank you so much for reading TWWB it means the world to me! Happy Saturday!!


Hey guys!
          Just wanted to hope on and say thanks to everyone who has been reading my story it means so much REALLY! I can’t believe ‘The walls we’ve built’ is 3RD in the Arminxreader category, it makes me so happy! Just some inventory with TWWB this part of Zariya’s story is coming to an end (aka season 1) So when this book is finished myself and @signed.poppy are going to be counting the story in the next book in this series we are doing! 
          ALSO! Something else I wanted to mention was that a new author @Beanball123 has just joined wattpad and he has some really good drama short stories that y’all should totally check out! 
          Well that’s all from me (for now) I hope u guys have an amazing day, also AOT is back tomorrow, AAAAAA 


@deanna92681 a very interesting update and congrats on your achievement!!


@signed_poppy * WHOPS sorry bout that also once again go check out her story too it’s great! 


Hey Guys!
          Sorry I haven't been very active over the last month or so, I have been super busy with exams and now holidays plus I have been having a bit or a writing block so that doesn't really help either. Lately I have been working more on another story I'm currently writing, but I haven't decided if I will be publishing it or not yet so let me k if u guys wanna hear more about it.
          A quick update on The walls we've built (TWWB) just letting y'all know in up coming chapters there are gonna be a few big time skips and my story line kinda goes a bit off from the main arc of aot season 1 so if u guys need a bit of back ground info or feel like ur getting a bit confused as you're reading it lmk so I can at something in to clear up whats going on. 
          Anywho I think thats all for now, I'll try release a new chapter soonish for who ever is wondering, but thanks again to EVERYONE who has checked up my story I REALLY appreciate it. 
          Also ik it a bit late but I hope yall had a great Christmas and a happy new year!!
          - Deanna :)


hey guys!
          just wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone who is reading 'The walls we've built' so far! I'm planning on posting the next chapter soon for who ever is wondering :)
          I also wanted to tell you guys my friend @signed_poppy has started writing her own fanfic based in the same storyline/version of AOT, its a OCxJean called Patience and you guys should definitely check it out! There will be features of her character Rossette coming up in future chapters and Zaryia in her story as well.  
          Any who though I would just check in with y'all, I hope ur enjoying my story so far. Have a great day and tell your friends about our storys!!! :)