HEY GUYS! Miss me? I know I missed you! God, I haven't updated a story in over six months. I am an awful, awful person. I'm starting a new Larry fic!! Yay! You guys are going to love it! Do me a favour and check out my shared account (with katielunahoran) called @dorkiestduo We have a lot of fan fic, mostly 1D, with a little Supernatural/Teen Wolf. The two of us are also working on a 1D fanfic, with Larry implications right now, so you should probably check that account out. Here's the deal, if you guys go fan, or vote for a fic, or at least check out that account, I'll post the teaser for my fic tonight, and I'll have the first chapter up by sunday. Sound good? Also, I love you guys so much and I'm sorry I haven't been on. If you want me to check out any of your fics, feel free to link me to them, I'm running out! Okay, bye guys!