Ah! Broke it! (But that might have something to do with having a prom/urgent media studies assignment/urgent life being a general loser and hating on me) :P
I know! I know! But I'm actually pretty good with my memory stick usually. It's either in my laptop/a computer at school, or in my pencil case. There's no other place it could go or I would put it! I didn't want to risk putting my important stuff on my laptop (seeing as the thing is getting OLD and SENILE, and the memory is close to none-existent now)...
Hahaa that's lucky though! I lost my iPod like five years ago, and I never received a replacement!
Unfortunately, yeah! Haha, ooerr, no! That may be the precise moment to scream until my voice-box gives up! Indeed. ''>..<
No, I did not!