
Hey guys, long time no see. How are you guys? I hope you all are doing fine
          	So, I'm starting a fresh start this year, I'm going back to writing again but on a new platform, it's called medium.
          	If you want to check my story here's the link 


permisi kak! izin promosi book NOMIN yaa, Terimakasih ^^ . yang suka sunda sundaaaan dengan latar di Bandung sini mampir. Jika tidak tertarik cobaa mampir ke akun ku, di sana ada beberapa cerita yang masih prolog dan mungkin menarik atau sesuai dengan selera kamu!
           Menceritakan tentang kisah cinta remaja anak SMA yang bersemi kembali setelah ditinggal 1 tahun oleh 'uke' nya. Cinta mereka selalu dihiasi hal manis, namun apakah akan terus manis tanpa bumbu-bumbu kepahitan? ayo temukan jawabannya bersama Juan dan Niko, si Prince and Princess nya NCHS.




I used to like kpop when it was just korean pop music. Nowadays kpop industry seems thirsty of wyt people approval, idky it's weird. You might hate me of my thought, I don't care. Glad to know that kpop goes global, but it seems less interesting since then.


@ichingin_kuy exactly my thought. It was fun but not anymore since the fandom turns crazy and all they talk about is 'who paved the way' bitch no one has ever paved the way kecuali idol lo ternyata punya second life as a tukang cor jalan


@ deardisco  hahahaha kyk seneng kpop jdi goes internasional, berarti kan udh berkembang pesat, tpi gmna yak.... Ngerasa aja gak kyk dulu (my opinion as KPop stan 2-3rd generation)