Hey dudette! I'm a dudette too! And I FLIPPING LOVE YOUR BACKGROUND! It's amazeballs. As is Linkin Park and every other band listed under your music tastes! It's breathtaking how perfect they all are! And more importantly you're a potterhead too! And you play volleyball too?! I've ALWAYS wanted to play volleyball :'( But yeah the real reason I'm here is to thank you for fanning me! So thanks <333
Peace and Love
♥ Post ♥ this ♥ on ♥ anyone's ♥ profile ♥ who ♥ made ♥ you ♥ smile ♥ somewhere, ♥ sometime ♥ in ♥ your ♥ life ♥ it ♥ may ♥ surprise ♥ you, ♥ but ♥ check ♥ out ♥ how ♥ many ♥ will ♥ send ♥ you ♥ one ♥ back, ♥ thanks ♥ for ♥ making ♥ me ♥ smile. ♥ :)