
check my last chapter... would mean a lot 


@xanxarie I'm rewriting it, dear. The story will be completely different when I do re-upload it; with a new plot and new characters. I know I left the story in a confusing place, but I didn't know how to keep the plot going. If you have questions on how the story ended, I'll gladly answer them! <3


Do not let your body define your soul, let your soul find your body. Your mind is limitless. You are worth more than you can believe. All you have to do is dream and all you have to do is want to fulfill that dream and have the strength.
          —  xxxtentacion RIP 1998-2018


regardless, i just want to say thanks. his music has helped me and millions of others.


we could relate with him through everything. he had an artistry that many envy and wished they could have had; not many artists could intertwine genres on a single song or album like he did. he had a talent, and it’s a shame he only had a couple years to show it off.


i think he was someone genuine. he had good intentions. it takes a lot to admit you’re wrong and start on the path of growing; he was in the process of just that.