@deathheno yeah I don't think it's that dangerous either. Just the occasional snake. I live in Victoria but I was born in Adelaide. Now I live near Melbourne, actually about 2 hours away but still. :)
I just realised your from Australia!!! Sorry I always get excited when I find someone else that lives in Australia. :)
Did you know that lots of people think that Australia is the most dangerous country? (Animal wise)
I'm sorry I'll stop talking now. Bye! *smiles and waves*
@piafitzy I'm the exact same with my fellow Australians too, I just love talking to them. I personally don't think our animals are that bad (probably because I was raised up with them) Also which state are you from? I'm from Adelaide which is probably the most boring state in Australia. Anyways bye *smiles and waves back*
Ha ha, it took me a few minutes to even think about Cinderella and connect it with my story! I'm thinking princes and glass slippers never even thought about the ugly sisters and the mother! I'm not sure the fairy story is copyright, far too many other novels would not have been published if it was. Thanks for reading and your vote and comments. Rx