after everything with the brothers  ,  and her almost dying from how many drugs were in her system  ,  gabby had been a but skittish for a few years until she finally found herself a place in life as a cop  .  due to this  ,  she spent less hours at the ranch  ,  where she remained for both herself  ,  and john  .  luckily  ,  the now officer had a day off  .  at the moment  ,  it was early in the morning and she was riding atop one of their newer horses  ,  trying to get it to practice turns and stops  .


thanks to what happened  ,  the girl had her own knife strapped to her leg  .  getting up  ,  she happily followed after him with a hum  .  “  plans for tonight  ?  “


            Rambo chuckled as he got up. He strapped his trusty knife to his leg as he never left without it before grabbing his keys and wallet. The buff male ruffled his daughter's hair before leading the way out 


“  hopefully you won’t have to  .  “  she replied  ,  kissing his cheek in a daughterly way  ,  before pulling back from his hold with a cheesy smile  .  “  come on  ,  old man  .  milkshakes are waiting for us  .  “


you— you’re  handsome. 


            The comment took him off guard and a very, very faint blush dusted his scarred cheeks "Nah, I'm not. Everyone is afraid of me"


            “oh yeah, look at you. i bet you’re a ladies man.” the boxer winked at the other who again, looked like him. 


            This caused the ex soldier to furrow his brows "I'm...handsome?" It seemed like he wasn't used to compliments 


“ such a man with such disturbing memories . “


• idk which to usee
            the stuffed anymal was clearly stitched by the child , by the way it was rough , and it’s buttoned eyes were a little lopsided . with all the noises , the little form gave a whine and rolled under the umbrella , hiding herself away .


            //Any is fine uwu
            The man tilted his head but didn't mention it. He bent down and picked up the stitched horse to take a better look at the stuffed animal


• awh welp ophelia is dead anywaysss ! okieeee . which acc do you want me to use ?
            she was curled up nice and tight , body rising and falling with each breath she took as she lightly clenched onto her umbrella like it was a stuffed animal


john rambo . that name was nothing new to his ears . he had always heard it amoung his colleges and how good he was , so he never expected to be the one lucky guy to go to his ranch to ask him some questions about the disappearance of the martinez brothers . he wasn’t complaining about it , but he needed answers . with scarred fingers fiddling with the tags upon his chest , he found himself knocking on john’s door with a heavy sigh . hopefully this’ll go well .


            "No. She isn't okay. She's dead from a overdose they gave her" His body tensed up "Victor is headless in his apartment and Hugo is pinned to the wall in my barn with his heart ripped out"


“ well .. at least you’re honest . “ the ex marine murmured , letting out a chuckle . “ mind telling me where they are ? i have no use of selling out . you did something good . your niece .. is she okay ? “


            "Yes, I am familiar with them. And they're dead. I killed them for trafficking my niece and running a brothel" The ex soldier said simply as he leaned against the door frame


i bet i'm better at using a bow and arrow than you are   -


i've been using one for centuries   ,   kiddo   .


            Wrong. I've been using a bow and arrow since I was ten 


━ love this so much and want to post a starter but don't know how to start 


samuel seemed to have a good grasp on what he learned over the years . at year three though , he seemed to be struggling with a small project . right now , his colored orbs stared at a paper , which spoke about tbe project , with a frown . “ papa .. ? “


            The bulky male got out and got Sam out. He held him in his arms as he grabbed a cart and went inside "What do you want to build for your project?"


the blonde had given a chuckle at the kiss and had pretended to catch it . nodding , samuel kept his grip on his father as he set his head back on his shoulder . When they did finally get to the store , samuel was kinda ready for a nap , but he was keeping himself awake .


            "We'll come back and visit more, alright?" The older male bent down and picked up his son. He straightened out and kissed his son's cheek before blowing a kiss to Rachel and leaving 


working out was quite interesting with john . rachel was used to endurance and smaller weights , but her boyfriend usually went all out , and it was pretty damn amazing . so , at the moment , the blonde was taking a small break after running , her golden eyes watching him with interest as she cracked her knuckles .


• how okd should he be ?


despite it finally being the date , rachel was calm , and quite cheerful . she kept moving around , and ignored the warnings of her boyfriend . she did quite a lot in the day . hell , she was even starting to think rhat maybe she was going to have another day . so , the female was swaying with a happy hum as she wiped down their counter .


• it’d be easier with these two but idk
            sighing , the woman forced herself to sit up and open her atms up for the whining baby . “ right .. hungry little thing . “


            //Nahhh. Up to you 
            "Sam's hungry" Was all the ex soldier said as he approached the bed with the hungry baby in his arms 


• up to you
            rachel was laying on her side , a tired look in her eyes as she shot him a look . the womab then buried her face into her pillow .


• idk if i should do their kid’s birth or a scenario with their bby . :P