
Chapter name from this should something related to hunt.
          	 "Hey, Gojo, you wouldn't happen to have any more of those fingers lying around, would you?"
          	Gojo, who was chewing on a lollipop, glanced at him with a lazy smirk. "Oh? You on a collector's spree now? Planning to complete the set?"
          	Keitaro rolled his eyes. "Something like that. Figured I might as well track them down before someone else gets any bright ideas."


Chapter name from this should something related to hunt.
           "Hey, Gojo, you wouldn't happen to have any more of those fingers lying around, would you?"
          Gojo, who was chewing on a lollipop, glanced at him with a lazy smirk. "Oh? You on a collector's spree now? Planning to complete the set?"
          Keitaro rolled his eyes. "Something like that. Figured I might as well track them down before someone else gets any bright ideas."


"Thought so. That spiritual pressure of yours—people can't even exist near you without dying. That's gotta be pretty lonely, huh?"
          Starrk let out another slow sigh. "Maybe," he admitted. "But what can I do about it? It's just how I am."
          Gabriel crossed his arms, his grin widening. "Well, lucky for you, I have a solution."
          Starrk raised an eyebrow.
          "Join me," Gabriel said simply. "I've built something different—a place where the strong don't have to be alone. A real army. You won't have to hold back, and you sure as hell won't have to be lonely anymore."
          Starrk's gaze remained unreadable. "An army, huh? Sounds like work."
          Gabriel chuckled. "Not as much as you think. I run a fun operation. You'll have people to talk to, people who won't drop dead just from standing next to you. Hell, you might even enjoy yourself."
          Starrk leaned back slightly, rubbing his chin. "Hmm... sounds better than wandering around alone, I guess."
          Gabriel extended a hand. "So? What do you say?"
          Starrk stared at the offered hand for a moment before sighing, a small smirk forming at the edge of his lips. "Eh... why not?"
          Gathering allies.


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Ichigo exhaled, getting into a stance. His grip tightened on Zangetsu. "Alright, let's do this."
          Sora pulled out his phone. "Oh, by the way, Ichigo—"
          Ichigo blinked. "Huh?"
          Sora turned his phone screen toward Ichigo. A video played.
          — A close-up of Ichigo kissing Orihime.
          Ichigo's soul left his body.
          Sora casually scrolled to another video.
          — A grainy, shaky recording of a certain orange-haired individual in his room. Hand moving rapidly under the covers.
          "WAIT, THAT'S NOT ME—THAT'S KON!!"
          Sora grinned. "Oh, I know."
          Ichigo's face drained of color.
          "But..." Sora hummed, tilting the phone toward the side. "Would Orihime know?"
          For a brief moment, nothing happened.
          Black and red spiritual energy exploded around Ichigo.
          His Hollow mask snapped onto his face instantly.
          /random shit I wrote….Was Ichigo reaction to be expected.
          Anyway, while reading Mushoko Tensei in my free time….Rudeus is a pedo… I the only that thinks that, like in the real world he was a sad pedo in the Mushoko Tensei world he became a happy pedo, for fuck sake he fucked a 15 year old, sure he was around that age physically but that was not his age, he is a grown fucking man.
          Just my opinion though


1. Foot Soldiers (The Lowest Tier of the Hierarchy)
          Composition: Mostly of hollows that haven't reached Menos Grande Tier.
          Purpose: Used for reconnaissance, territorial defense, and battles where sheer quantity mattered more than quality.
          Path to Adjucha: Once turned into a Gillian Gabriel would evolve them into Adjucha
          At the Adjucha stage, a Hollow's trajectory in Gabriel's empire was determined.
          3. The Lesser Sins: The Path to True Power
          Selection Process: An Adjucha could either be chosen by one of the Seven Deadly Sins or prove themselves worthy of joining a particular Sin's faction.
          Sin Alignment: Once under the command of a Sin, they would inherit a "Lesser Sin" title, a trait reflective of the greater Sin they served.
          For example, an Adjucha under Sloth could be given the title Laziness, Idleness, Indolence, or Sluggishness.Similarly, under Wrath, one could be given the title Rage, Fury, or Bloodlust.
          . Before officially joining, an Adjucha had to be transformed into an Arrancar—unless they showed exceptional promise for reaching Vasto Lorde.
          Advantages of Being a Lesser Sin:Direct training from an elite Arrancar.A structured path to strength and potential evolution.Once strong enough, they could challenge their superior and take their place within the Seven Deadly Sins.
          Mid tier
          4. The Seven Deadly Sins: The Captains of the Empire
          Identification: Every Sin bore a tattoo somewhere on their body that reflected their assigned Sin, marking them as one of the elite.
          Envy - occupied 
          Greed - occupied 
          Lust - occupied
          5. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: The Ultimate Elite
          /system I have been working on


@Godlike55055 Yup, those two, even watched the individual videos about each espada from Thommo…


@dec302005 have you watch ichibei in his video 


          What surrounded Gabriel were a bunch of Hollow corpses... and Hollows with their masks destroyed, some even looking semi-human.
          Some of them seemed to still be in pain, caught between Hollow and human—trapped in a limbo of suffering. Yet Gabriel had removed their mouths.
          Alongside their voice boxes... their larynxes...
          Alongside their eyes and noses... He wasn't the most benevolent scientist. Well, he did remove their sense of self to end their suffering.
          They were now a blank slate.
          Gabriel stood in the center of it all. His eyes were devoid of any emotion, and his hands were at work, using his power to transfigure their souls further and further, uncovering their inner workings and using that knowledge to improve himself.
          Hollows—once monstrous and violent—had been reduced to half-formed atrocities, grotesque amalgamations of shredded masks, elongated limbs, and exposed tendons that pulsed unnaturally.
          Their bodies were stretched too far, their skin splitting apart as their essence was manipulated beyond its natural limits. Some had been compressed into small, shrieking lumps of flesh, their masks warped, eyes bulging with horror as their very souls collapsed in on themselves.
          Gabriel twisted his fingers slightly.
          One Hollow elongated like molten wax, its limbs snapping off as it screamed. Another's body thinned too much, and in an instant—pop—blackened blood and fragmented soul energy splattered across the sand.
          Some still lived, barely, their broken forms twitching, trying to move with muscles that no longer obeyed them.
          "Kill... me..." a voice gurgled.
          "Please... stop..." another sobbed.
          /what y’all think, first attempt at writing a mc like this.


@dec302005 amazingly good looks like promising mc


@dec302005 great personally I would prefer more gore but I'm just desensitized and prefer details but for other people it's great I just hope you get in detail about his research into souls like you did with keitaro and his cursed energy research


It’s really good


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Counted the votes…hollow won.., not because they had a higher vote lead, matter of fact both Geto and Hollow got the same amount of votes….19.
          It won because I spun a wheel, it was 50% 50%, and hollow won, and since it’s hollow and they live by like the law of the jungle, just this time I shall allow more than one love interest.
          Though the main one remains Harribel.
          I finished writing a chapter for the Keitaro story, just have to edit it now.
          Sora still op.
          And Aaron getting fucked over….Keitaro's story will be ending soon, the second JJK 0 over it end, as Keitaro basically learned how to destroy the finger and locate them so Kenny is dead, Geto probably turning good, and Yuji never becomes a jujutsu sorcerer.
          And the Shinjuku fight becomes like a what if that happens later on, hope y’all won’t mind.
          Gabriel's ability is idle transfiguration, it is op, and he will probably be the king of Hueco Mundo and have the hollow race advance to much, much greater heights.


@dec302005 We are waiting for a great story). I hope that we will see the Geto story one day)


@dec302005  great I voted for the hollow one so I'm happy with this outcome hope you are well and continue make fics


Anyway, trying to get better at being a writer, so, do rate, how big of a cock block is this.
          Urahara chuckled, tilting his hat slightly as he fanned himself. "Tell me, Sora—what exactly were these important matters you had to attend to?"
          Sora's eye twitched.
          "...5 million yen."
          Urahara gasped, placing a hand over his chest like he was deeply offended. "Oh my, my memory seems to be failing me. Such a shame..."
          Sora clenched his teeth. This bastard.
          But before he could throw out another bribe—
          A shadow loomed over him.
          Sora felt it.
          The weight.
          The unforgiving presence of a noble's judgment.
          Cold sweat rolled down his neck.
          Very, very slowly, he turned his head.
          There stood Byakuya Kuchiki.
          Expression unreadable. Gaze sharp as a blade.
          And—most terrifyingly—his eyes were locked onto the very visible love bite on Sora's neck.
          Wait, what? Sora had hidden them behind a Reishi barrier! Byakuya shouldn't be able to see them!
          So why the hell was he staring at his neck like that?
          As if he could sense their essence.
          Sora gulped. Oh. Oh no.
          The silence stretched.
          Byakuya's voice was calm, collected—but absolute.
          "I shall remain here for some time," he said, his tone carrying the weight of a royal decree. "During my stay, I trust that you will act appropriately. As my sister's... companion, I will be in your care."
          Internally, Sora was screaming.
          Sora forced a smile, but it looked painfully stiff. "Ahaha... Of course! My house is your house, Brother-in-law."
          Byakuya's eyes narrowed ever so slightly.
          "You do not appear particularly pleased," he observed. "Perhaps you had other... intentions regarding my sister?"
          Sora immediately straightened up. "I would never!"
          Byakuya stared at him.
          Sora stared back, resisting the urge to break into a cold sweat.
          The tension in the air was thick.


Half yes, half me testing out interaction to see if they work, like if I feel iffy about some dialogue I kind of post it and if readers points out it’s hella out of character for a character to do such and such, I tweak some stuff around, this is my first bleach fanfic, so I am experimenting 