this message may be offensive
Hey guys! I have a lot going on right now, and I have no idea when I'll update next. I'm having some family issues, plus I am a full time honors student with finals coming up. Please don't be mad! A lot of you have been asking me to read you works, and I'll try, but you have to understand that with almost 400 followers, I cannot possibly read them all. (And thank you all for following me). However, what I do read, I'll be sure to let you know what I think. I also understand that not all of you can read my story, "My Dream Girl" and that's okay, but if you do happen to read it, please note that it is my first real writing piece, so I am always open to suggestions/corrections/feedback. I understand it needs some work, with the plot, characters, spelling, ect., and like I said, I am always open to suggestions. The only thing I ask ( I know the difference between constructive criticism and straight-up harassment) is that those who comment and message me are not just being mean, of criticizing me as a person, or telling me I need to get off Wattpad, or kill myself, because that really doesn't help anyone. That is considered bullying. I DO NOT tolerate that, and to those who do that, I pity you. I am sorry for whatever turned you into such a mean and bitter person. But whatever events that have occurred in your life do not give you the right to make other people miserable. I promise to update much more over the summer. Thank you all who have actually read this whole thing. I hope what I said is meaningful, especially to those who can relate. Thank you!