So I know I probably let you guys down on updating. After I started high school, I was really stressed and really sad and didn't have time to write. On top of that, I had writer's block and I knew that if I did write something it probably wouldn't be as good as normal and since I made you guys wait so long, you deserve something really good. So, I'm almost half way through 9th grade year and since Christmas is coming up, I'm hoping to update because I'll have more time. I'm not promising anything because I don't want to let you guys down but hopefully, you guys stick with me and I can get back to normal and update regularly after exams. I just wanted to let you guys know why I had disappeared and that I'm not gone forever, I've just been busy. But my love for writing is still the same and I hope to continue soon. Thank you guys for being patient and for the support. I hope you all have a great day<3