
@RebeccaFlorea Hei! Merci mult doar ca am terminat-o :)) . N-am mai avut răbdare si am citit cartea in engleza . Oricum o sa ma uit si la tine. :*


hi love x thank you so so much for reading and voting on my story 'all too well' :) it truly means a lot to me!


@deea1999 woah oh my god i'm head over heels right now!!! this has got to be one of the nicest things someone has ever said to me, so wow thank you so so so much! you surely made my entire week xo it's incredible to see the impact the story has on some people, thank you (again) for sharing your thoughts! 
            and i just think taylor fits perfectly, so i guess you're welcome :) 
            i'm currently stuck with writing the next two chapters! much love x


@ Mileysmuffins  Hi!  I totally love your book!  Trust me ! Your work is incredible and everybody can see how much effort and love you put in this creation.  Today at school I couldn't stop myself from reading and when Miles started to compare Rose with Jo and her father left they I started to cry, I was so touched.  I can't wait to read the next chapter!  
            P.S. :Thank you for using Taylor Hill as Rose!  Best choice ever!  Kisses and please post the next chapter ASAP!  I'm dying hereeeeee ! Good luck! :* :)


merci pentru voturi! te astept si cu o parere! ♥


@deea1999 mercii mult, consider ca pun suflet in ceea ce fac, si sigur ♥


@DenisaDeniDenissa  Cu placere ! Imi place foarte mult cartea ta si ador felul in care descrii fiecare secventa. Se vede ca pui suflet in ceea ce scrii . Bafta si abia astept continuarea! :* :) <3 P.S.: M-ai ajuta super mult daca mi-ai da si mie niste sfaturi ! Multumesc anticipat ! Pup :*